Last night I was feeling so productive. I was excited for starting a new month of writing projects and opportunities. I wrote out a list of everything I wanted to achieve.
Today, I woke up in pain. That’s been happening a lot, lately; waking up not when I’m no longer tired, but when the pain gets too much.
My back has been in increasing levels of agony for a while. My left knee and hip aren’t really aligned, properly, and I just feel so tired.
I’m not making this post to complain, but to document a day that hasn’t gone to plan. You could easily be forgiven for thinking that life is all sunshine and roses for people, but there’s often a lot more going on under the surface, and I like being open about that stuff.
I’m really concerned about money issues. I’m having anxiety dreams about it.
Talking to my mother on the phone, she tells me her cousin died, and I’m reminded of my own morality.
Death and the afterlife is something I think about a lot. Something I’m searching for answers about.
There’s just a lot in my head, and I didn’t feel right forcing myself to put up a blog post about books today.
They say writing this shit down helps.